

Dr. Pavithra Mony is a Consultant Psychiatrist. In clinical practice, she works exclusively as adult and women Psychiatric Consultant at treating patients with a wide range of conditions, including ADHD, Autism, Anxiety, PTSD, Externalizing disorders. Well-rounded and culturally sensitive with a commitment to providing first-rate emotional support to patients and family members. In-depth knowledge of psychology and various conditions and treatment plans. Specialties include addiction and mood disorders. Capable of analyzing patient's backgrounds and symptoms and deciding on the very best treatment plans. Dr. Pavithra Mony treats various mental conditions affecting the population, relating to psychological, behavioral, and developmental issues. She strives to ensure that a holistic approach is taken while providing treatment. She offers an one to one counselling and gets an initial assessment of the patient, considering psychological, biological, social, and environmental factors, and then creates a therapy model that best suits the patient. She strongly believes that the strong mental health is the most important factor in shaping the future of growth and development. With that thought, coupled with focus and sense of boundaries, she thrives to help and support patient’s to reach positive decisions in each phase of their lives.

Personal Brief

Dr. Pavithra Mony completed her MBBS from Saveetha Medical College and Hospital, Saveetha University and obtained her M.D degree in Psychiatry from Pondicherry Institute Of Medical Sciences PIMS Hospital Puducherry, Pondicherry University.

Professional Stint

  • Consultant Psychiatrist (Tamil Nadu medical Council No. : 115167) at Royal Care Hospital (City Centre)in Coimbatore since Aug 2019.
  • Worked as Resident from 04/2016 to 03/2019 at Pondicherry Institute of Medical Sciences, Puducherry 605014 (under Madras Medical Mission hospital, Chennai) and carried the below tasks